...大约 2 分钟
//docs/src/.vuepress/theme.ts 主题配置
import { hopeTheme } from "vuepress-theme-hope";
import { enNavbar, zhNavbar } from "./navbar/index.js";
import { enSidebar, zhSidebar } from "./sidebar/index.js";
export default hopeTheme({
// 站点域名
hostname: "https://obsidian.vip/",
// 作者名称
author: {
name: "coffeebean",
url: "https://obsidian.vip/",
// 热更新开关,开启了才能实时渲染侧边栏等
hotReload: true,
// 显示GitHub编辑此页连接
editLink: false,
iconAssets: "iconfont",
logo: "/logo.svg",
// GitHub仓库名称
repo: "kickTiger/obsidian-doc",
// 关闭顶部导航条仓库链接
repoDisplay: false,
docsDir: "demo/theme-docs/src",
// 多语言控制项目
locales: {
"/": {
// navbar
navbar: enNavbar,
// sidebar
sidebar: enSidebar,
footer: "Share knowledge, achieve self-realization",
displayFooter: true,
metaLocales: {
editLink: "Edit this page on GitHub",
* Chinese locale config */ "/zh/": {
// navbar
navbar: zhNavbar,
// sidebar
sidebar: zhSidebar,
footer: "分享知识、成就自我",
displayFooter: true,
// page meta
metaLocales: {
editLink: "在 GitHub 上编辑此页",
// 加密页面配置,添加页面地址和对应的密码
encrypt: {
config: {
"/demo/encrypt.html": ["1234"],
"/zh/demo/encrypt.html": ["1234"],
// 插件的配置,一些功能在这里,不是在上面
plugins: {
// If you don’t need comment feature, you can remove following option
// The following config is for demo ONLY, if you need comment feature, please generate and use your own config, see comment plugin documentation for details. // To avoid disturbing the theme developer and consuming his resources, please DO NOT use the following config directly in your production environment!!!!! comment: {
* Using Giscus */ // provider: "Giscus", // repo: "vuepress-theme-hope/giscus-discussions", // repoId: "R_kgDOG_Pt2A", // category: "Announcements", // categoryId: "DIC_kwDOG_Pt2M4COD69",
/** * Using Twikoo */ // provider: "Twikoo", // envId: "https://twikoo.ccknbc.vercel.app",
/** * Using Waline */ provider: "Waline",
serverURL: "https://obsidian-doc-comments.vercel.app",
copyright: true,
// 开启目录页自动生成
autoCatalog: false,
// Disable features you don’t want here
mdEnhance: {
align: true,
attrs: true,
chart: true,
codetabs: true,
container: true,
demo: true,
echarts: true,
figure: true,
flowchart: true,
gfm: true,
imgLazyload: true,
imgSize: true,
include: true,
katex: true,
mark: true,
mermaid: true,
playground: {
presets: ["ts", "vue"],
presentation: {
plugins: ["highlight", "math", "search", "notes", "zoom"],
stylize: [
matcher: "Recommended",
replacer: ({ tag }) => {
if (tag === "em")
return {
tag: "Badge",
attrs: { type: "tip" },
content: "Recommended",
sub: true,
sup: true,
tabs: true,
vPre: true,
vuePlayground: true,
// uncomment these if you want a pwa
// pwa: { // favicon: "/favicon.ico", // cacheHTML: true, // cachePic: true, // appendBase: true, // apple: { // icon: "/assets/icon/apple-icon-152.png", // statusBarColor: "black", // }, // msTile: { // image: "/assets/icon/ms-icon-144.png", // color: "#ffffff", // }, // manifest: { // icons: [ // { // src: "/assets/icon/chrome-mask-512.png", // sizes: "512x512", // purpose: "maskable", // type: "image/png", // }, // { // src: "/assets/icon/chrome-mask-192.png", // sizes: "192x192", // purpose: "maskable", // type: "image/png", // }, // { // src: "/assets/icon/chrome-512.png", // sizes: "512x512", // type: "image/png", // }, // { // src: "/assets/icon/chrome-192.png", // sizes: "192x192", // type: "image/png", // }, // ], // shortcuts: [ // { // name: "Demo", // short_name: "Demo", // url: "/demo/", // icons: [ // { // src: "/assets/icon/guide-maskable.png", // sizes: "192x192", // purpose: "maskable", // type: "image/png", // }, // ], // }, // ], // }, // }, },
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